Daily cleaning of toilet bowl
- Wear suitable plastic gloves
- Use the Enviro Loo toilet cleaner that was supplied with the Enviro Loo
- Do not use any chemicals or detergents to clean the toilet bowl
- Use 200ml clean water to mix the Enviro Loo toilet cleaner in a bucket to make a paste
- Dip toilet brush into the paste
- Clean the ceramic bowl with the brush
- Wipe the ceramic bowl with a damp cloth
- Do not dispose of excess water into the toilet bowl
- Do not dispose of any chemicals or detergents into the toilet bowl.
Daily cleaning of toilet seat
- Wear suitable plastic gloves
- Use any suitable detergent to clean the toilet seat
- Use a damp cloth
- Wipe the toilet rim and lid
- Do not allow water, detergent or the cloth to enter the toilet bowl
- Do not pour the bucket of water into the toilet bowl
Daily cleaning of floors, walls, door handles, doors and basins
- These items can be cleaned with any household detergent
- Place a mat if possible to avoid outside dirt being stepped into the facility
- Wear plastic gloves
- Ensure that the door functions correctly
- Use a broom to sweep the floor
- Use a bucket and mop to wash the floor
- Use rags or cleaning cloths to clean the doors, door handles and basins
- Do not dispose of water or detergent used for cleaning into the Enviro Loo
Regular monitoring and servicing
Regular monitoring is recommended to guarantee the efficient functioning of the Enviro Loo. Reliable personnel are to be trained to monitor and report any concerns to the Facility Management so that timely follow-up can be implemented. These include the reporting of faulty or damaged components, a high liquid level or flooded units, a full drying area, a high volume of foreign objects, unhygienic conditions, unpleasant odours or excessive flies.
A trained Service Technician must be contacted to rectify any of these issues. Removal of waste must be in accordance with the various legal requirements and should not be carried out by untrained personnel.
The following procedure should be carried out quarterly by a trained Service Technician.
Step 1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
All open wounds are covered with waterproof adhesive plasters. The PPE is inspected to ensure that it is good condition before putting it on. This includes the face/dust mask, plastic gloves, overalls, gumboots, safety goggles and hairnet. These must be removed and disinfected before breaks or lunch time.
Step 2 Tools and Cleaning Equipment
The plastic sheets (white, blue, black and red) are placed at a safe distance from the concrete slab. A 10 litre bucket of clean water is placed next to the white plastic sheet. A 10 litre bucket labelled SOAP is placed next to the blue plastic sheet. The soap is diluted as per the label instructions.
The 10 litre bucket labelled DISINFECTANT label is placed next to the black plastic sheet. The disinfectant is diluted as per label instructions.
The long handle rake, mop, brush and scoop is placed on the red plastic sheet.
Step 3 The Area is secured
The door of the Enviro Loo being serviced is marked with the “We apologise for any inconvenience. Service in Progress Board”. No maintenance work is performed while the facility is in use. The entrances to the facility block being worked on are barricaded to prevent users from entering.
The areas around the inspection covers must be clear of people at all times during the maintenance procedure.
Step 4 All components are inspected and secured where required
Step 5 The Inspection cover is opened by means of the removal of the screws on the
edges of the inspection cover with a no 8 spanner or socket. The screws and the
inspection cover are placed at a safe distance from the inspection holes.
Step 6 Waste is raked from under the toilet bowl to one of 5 positions (depending on
which service is being conducted).
Step 7 Any foreign waste is safely removed and reported. If users are available they will
receive further training on why foreign waste must not be thrown inside the
Enviro Loo.
Step 8 Compost and Enzymes are reintroduced via the toilet bowl
Step 9 Lime is poured over the raked waste to assist with dehydration and to maintain
PH levels
Step 10 Liquid in the bottom of the tank is measured and if too high is reported for
corrective action
Step 11 The Service Technician follows a disinfecting procedure. If there are visible signs
of human waste on the gloves they must not be washed in any of the buckets
until they have been wiped with toilet paper. Gloved hands to be kept above the
inspection opening and the toilet paper disposed inside the drying area. The
gloved hands are rinsed thoroughly in the “Water” bucket until no sign of dirt is
visible. Then they are washed thoroughly in the “Soap” bucket. Excess water is
shaken off and gloved hands are dipped in the “Disinfectant” bucket and excess
water is shaken off
Step 12 The inspection cover is closed with washed and disinfected gloved hands. The
screws are securely fastened and the technician ensures that the inspection
cover is properly sealed with no gaps between the cover and the top unit
Step 13 Visible dirt is removed from the concrete slab with the brush and scoop. All dirt is
disposed in the solid waste holding area. The brush and scoop is placed on the
white plastic sheet. The outside of the inspection unit, top unit and concrete slab
are washed using the mop and soap from the “Soap” bucket
Excess water is squeezed from the mop which is then dipped into the “disinfectant” bucket. The outside of the inspection lids, top unit and concrete slab are disinfected using the mop. The mop is placed on the blue plastic sheet
The white plastic sheet and its contents are moved to the next block to be serviced
Step 14 The Service Technician checks inside the cubicles to ensure that the toilet bowl,
seat and lid are in good working order
Step 15 Once monitoring, service and maintenance has been completed on all blocks the
tools, equipment and PPE are cleaned in the following order:
- Rinsed in the “Water” bucket first to remove visible dirt
- Washed in the “Soap” bucket and placed on the black plastic sheet
- Disinfected with liquid from the “Disinfectant” bucket and placed on the red plastic sheet to dry
Step 16 The contents of the buckets are emptied in the soak away and the buckets are
rinsed, washed and disinfected and placed on the red plastic sheet to dry
NB: No liquid, soap or disinfectant may be disposed of inside the Enviro Loo
Step 17 Tools, equipment and PPE are stored in a secure location to prevent them from
being used for any other purpose. These must not be stored with any hazardous
chemicals or any sharp or heavy objects that could cause damage
Step 18 The Service Technician records the maintenance visit onto the Loo Solve App
Service tool requirement
- Long handle narrow head steel rake
- 8mm spanner or socket
- 3/8th spanner or socket
- Shovel
- Containers or bags for the safe removal of waste from site
- Protective clothing
- Gloves
- Face mask
- Hairnet
- Overalls
- Gum boots